We are always excited to welcome new visitors, and hope you will join us for a Grace Haven experience.
“What first brought me to Grace Haven was the worship choir which is one of the finest choirs around!” -Rachel
Once you arrive you will be swept away with peaceful music that creates a relaxing and comfortable atmosphere. All of your senses will come alive when you breathe in the fresh outdoor air, notice God's natural beauty and prepare your heart and mind for God's word.
“ My family and I chose Grace Haven for worship for two basic reasons. First is the loving, God-centered message… Second are the people within Grace Haven… We are a loving, caring, supportive community of believers”-Kelly
Grace Haven is truly a church “family” with miraculous views, a wonderful worship choir, and always a loving, God-centered message from Dick Graves. We hope you join us for a service of fellowship and gratitude in God’s natural beauty.
Matthew 11:28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
In addition to our regular 10:00 Sunday Morning service, we look forward to the following ministries.
- Palm Sunday Communion Service: 10:00am, GH Pavilion
- Men’s Good Friday Breakfast & Communion: 6:30am, Graves’ home
- Easter Sunrise Service: 6:30am, GH Pavilion
- Easter Sunday Service: 10:00am, GH Pavilion
- Children’s Sunday Service: May (tba) 10:00am, GH Pavilion
- Graduating Senior Recognition Service: 1st Sunday in June, 10:00am, GH Pavilion
- GH Anniversary Service: 2nd Sunday in September, GH Pavilion
- ThanksFeast Service: 3rd Sunday in November, 10:00am, GH Pavilion
- Children’s Christmas Pageant: 3rd Sunday in December, GH Pavillion
- Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion Services: 5:30pm & 11:00pm, GH Pavilion
Look at our Calendar for ALL events and further details.
We hope to see you there!
This Is My Fathers House with special Guest Composer and Conductor Pepper Choplin