A big part of our church mission is to reach out in service to the community and the world. We do that through a number of different fellowship opportunities as well as partner with local and world wide organizations.
- Arts Festival: We have an annual festival that brings together local artists to share their gifts and talents. Proceeds go to Safe Space, a local women's shelter. This takes place the 2nd Saturday in September, 10:00am-3:00pm, GH Pavilion
- ANNIVERSARY SUNDAY: 2nd Sunday in September, 10:00am, GH Pavilion
- Christmas Open House: 2nd Sunday in December, 5-8pm, GH Pavilion
- Adopt-A-Highway: (TBA) designated times.
- Christmas for Safe Space Clients & Families
- College Adoption Program: Members of Grace Haven commitment to support individual college students with encouraging notes, birthday cards, care packages, etc.
Various mission projects occur year-around. In addition to financial support, we work closely through our partner organization &/or as emergencies arise.
- Habitat for Humanity (Northern Wake Faith Coalition): new construction & renovations
- Christmas “Angel Tree” gifts for the shelter, clothes drive & service work at the thrift store, shelter renovations
- Baptist On Mission: Disaster relief & recovery
- Variety of Mission projects local & out of town (intergenerational), as available/needed: homeless ministries, food securities & distribution, disaster relief, refugee resettlement
Look at our Calendar for ALL events and further details.